How to create the perfect bee-friendly garden
What's a garden without being able to sit in the sun, admiring the busy, buzzing bees going from flower to flower collecting nectar? It's something we can all say we desire to see...and it's possible in everyone's garden, no matter what!
There's one specific way to attract bees, and that is buying the correct wildlife friendly plants. Though this sounds simple, often people are unaware of which plants bees absolutely love- they tend to just go for what looks nice, and hope for the best.
That being said, one of the biggest challenges for bees nowadays is not having enough food- so creating your garden out of wildlife friendly plants is the perfect way to give them what they need.
Here are our top favourites for attracting bees (and other wildlife, too)…
Create bee-friendly areas
Now we've laid out some of the best plants for attracting bees, its time to let themselves make a home. If you leave areas untouched, such as little garden patches, and just let nature do its thing, bees will be drawn to making themselves comfy and settling in- a lot of plants we consider as weeds often support the bees and other wildlife, so this is something important to note.
Even the little things like letting small areas in your garden go a bit wild will attract the bees and keep them coming back!
Trying to get bees attracted to your garden is really not that complicated, now, is it? Just consider some of these plants listed above, and give up a little area in your garden to let nature do its thing! That's all...
We hope we've covered the topic well, but please feel free to contact our team should you have any further questions- 0330 555 1020, or email