Choosing the Right Plants for Exposed Sites

Those with gardens in exposed sites often struggle with the ability to grow and develop plants, as they end up being severely stunned by the strong, harsh winds. It will often prevent young plants from establishing, too.

As well as the harsh winds, exposed gardens will often face poor soil, with the extremely windy and rainy conditions settling in during Winter. So that's exactly why it is so important to protect your garden from these conditions, as best as you can- and that's where we come in...

Hedging can act as a brilliant wind-breaker, weakening any strong winds that try to pass through the thick, dense, compact foliage. We like to say that for any exposed garden, hedging around the borders is of top priority. If you don't have anything protecting your garden, it's highly likely you won't be very successful in growing much plants. Fences and walls won't just do the trick, either, as the strong gales just go up and over the barrier, plummeting the turbulence over the other side, damaging any plants within reach.

So with that all being said, we'd highly recommend any tough, sturdy, robust hedging plants you can get your hands on- but make sure they're evergreen and tall! For instance, large evergreen plants like Leylandii, Yew, Green Privet, and Cherry Laurel are all perfect choices. With they're lush, bright green foliage, you'll be gifted with lovely year-round colour, too.

That being said, it is still possible to buy deciduous, wind-breaking trees- they just won't have as much of an impact. For instance, Hawthorn (Crataegus Monogyna) is a good choice, as it can grow very tall and the thick structure is more than capable of filtering the high winds. Choosing the right hedging plant is important, as it has to be tough enough to survive in the conditions. Once you do, you'll never have to worry about facing such problems in your garden- you can sit back in your protected garden and enjoy the surroundings!

Hedging for exposed sites

Facing exposed coastal winds is a common problem, as the salty air causes severe defoliation and leaf burn on particular plants. Then along with lots of rain, rocky surfaces, and dry/shallow soils, having an exposed coastal garden can prove to be more than tricky. That's exactly why we provide the best variety of coastal hedging plants, being able to tolerate any of those terrible conditions- for instance, check out Portuguese Laurel, Western Red Cedar, Privet, English Holly, Berberis Darwinii, Spindle, and Oleaster, all perfect choices for protecting your garden.

Strong winds and conditions can be different in all sorts of places, so it's important you choose the right plants that will thrive in your specific conditions. If you're unsure of which plants are best for you, don't hesitate to ask our fantastic team- pop a message into the live chat, send us an email at, or give us a buzz on 0330 555 1020.

With that all being said, we offer a wonderful range of hedging types to suit every garden need...

Exposed Inland Sites

Green Leylandii, Field Maple, Cotoneaster Franchetii, English Yew, Hawthorn.

Strangely enough, exposed inland gardens actually experience much colder winters than exposed coastal sites, meaning it is very important you choose and develop plants that can tolerate the cold temperatures and harsh winds, without needing a lot of protection.

Exposed Coastal Sites

Oleaster, Euonymus japonicus 'Jean Hugues,' Gorse, Griselinia, Escallonia.

Less Severe Coastal Sites

Berberis, Dog Rose, Elder, Blackthorn, English Holly, Shrubby Honeysuckle, Mexican Orange Blossom, Potentilla Pink, Viburnum tinus, Bay Laurel, and so much more.

So that's how to choose the right plants for your exposed garden! There's no need to give up on those garden dreams of yours- pick the right hedging plants to fill your garden borders, ensuring they have the ability to tolerate such conditions, and there you have it!