When should I plant Pieris Forest Flame hedging?
It is best to plant Pieris Forest Flame any time from June through to September, providing the plants get enough water to thrive well. We also recommend ensuring the plants are protected from any strong winds.
How far apart should I plant Pieris Forest Flame plants?
We recommend leaving a space of around 1.5ft (45cm), between each Pieris Forest Flame plant. This will ensure you're given a dense hedge within a reasonable amount of time.
For a hedge much quicker, you can go for up to 3 plants per metre (spacing of around 30cm between each plant), instead.̴Ì?
How to plant Pieris Forest Flame:
Begin by digging a hole that is twice the width of the root ball but the same depth. Place the plant in, and ensure it is in position correctly - the crown (base of stem), should be just below soil level. You want to make sure it is planted no deeper than it was in its pot (around 20-30cm deep works well).̴Ì?
Fill the hole back in, carefully patting down as you go along to remove any air pockets. Water well and lay around 2" mulch around the base of the plant, but a few good centimetres away from the stem.
Continually water the plant, on a regular basis, for the first 1-2 years after planting. We recommend watering around 2-3 times per week, or more so during warmer weather.