Bare Root Goat Willow Bundle 60/90cm x 250
(Salix Caprea)

Goat Willow bears unique, round leaves, and distinct, silver, fluffy catkins in January. Though commonly found in wet woodlands, it̴Ì?easily be grown into a lovely hedge, too!

View all Goat Willow plants

With the opportunity to provide year-round interest, Goat Willow has quite a small, shrub-like nature, boasting uniquely round, broad leaves and pointed, but bent, tips. The silky, thick hairs on the foliage undersides provide a distinct level of character, too.

You will notice different coloured catkins on Goat Willow- the female catkins are green, whereas male catkins tend to be a grey, silvery colour (which turn yellow as they ripen).

Goat Willow has quite a widespread habit and can reach up to 10m high.̴Ì?

We recommend planting your bare root plant as soon as possible after it's delivered, as the roots are tender and cannot be left to dry out.

These 60/90cm bare root Goat Willow plants have an average growth rate but will grow up to 4m tall when planted in good conditions.

The best soil type for Goat Willow is either clay, loam, or sand based, and should be very moist but well-draining. Ensure it's in a full sun position, too.

  • Growth rate: Average (20-40cm per year)
  • Ideal height: 1-4m for hedging
  • Soil type: Normal-dry, clay, loam, sand
  • Exposure: Sheltered, exposed, inland, coastal
  • Aspect: Full sun
  • Evergreen foliage? No

As soon as you receive your bare root plant, place it into a bucket of water for at least 2 hours. The roots must be wet when planted.̴Ì?

Prune your Goat Willow hedging near the end of Winter or beginning of Spring. All you will need to do is remove any diseased, dead, crossing, damaged, or congested shoots- those that are growing out of the desired shape can also be pruned out. You will not need to carry out a pruning routine.

We do recommend adding some mulch and feed, however, after pruning. This will maintain overall health.



This product has a minimum order quantity of 1

Goat Willow bears unique, round leaves, and distinct, silver, fluffy catkins in January. Though commonly found in wet woodlands, it̴Ì?easily be grown into a lovely hedge, too!

View all Goat Willow plants

With the opportunity to provide year-round interest, Goat Willow has quite a small, shrub-like nature, boasting uniquely round, broad leaves and pointed, but bent, tips. The silky, thick hairs on the foliage undersides provide a distinct level of character, too.

You will notice different coloured catkins on Goat Willow- the female catkins are green, whereas male catkins tend to be a grey, silvery colour (which turn yellow as they ripen).

Goat Willow has quite a widespread habit and can reach up to 10m high.̴Ì?

We recommend planting your bare root plant as soon as possible after it's delivered, as the roots are tender and cannot be left to dry out.

These 60/90cm bare root Goat Willow plants have an average growth rate but will grow up to 4m tall when planted in good conditions.

The best soil type for Goat Willow is either clay, loam, or sand based, and should be very moist but well-draining. Ensure it's in a full sun position, too.

  • Growth rate: Average (20-40cm per year)
  • Ideal height: 1-4m for hedging
  • Soil type: Normal-dry, clay, loam, sand
  • Exposure: Sheltered, exposed, inland, coastal
  • Aspect: Full sun
  • Evergreen foliage? No

As soon as you receive your bare root plant, place it into a bucket of water for at least 2 hours. The roots must be wet when planted.̴Ì?

Prune your Goat Willow hedging near the end of Winter or beginning of Spring. All you will need to do is remove any diseased, dead, crossing, damaged, or congested shoots- those that are growing out of the desired shape can also be pruned out. You will not need to carry out a pruning routine.

We do recommend adding some mulch and feed, however, after pruning. This will maintain overall health.

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