As soon as your̴Ì?Common Dogwood Bare Root arrives, dunk it into a bucket of fresh water for at least 2 hours. The roots must be wet when planted. Ensure you continually water the Dogwood throughout its growth, too, as it specifically prefers a moist site.̴Ì?
Do not prune your Dogwood within its first year of growth, as this is a crucial time for the plant to develop. After the first year, however, cut the plant down to its woody base (within 4" of the ground), before they bud. You must do this every year, along with feeding and watering the plant well after each pruning session. This will give you the very best and brightest stems possible.̴Ì?
It is also possible to bring old plants back to life by cutting away the old wood from the centre.̴Ì?