30/40cm Pot Grown White Potentilla
(Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood')
White Potentilla̴Ì?is a hardy, deciduous hedge with a long flowering period that boasts delicate, white flowers from the end of Spring through to Autumntime.
- About̴Ì?Pot Grown White Potentilla
- Key Features
- Pruning & Care
The Potentilla fruticosa ‰ۡÌÝÌáAbbotswood,‰ۡó» has five-petalled, saucer-like flowers that sit nicely amongst the green foliage. It is an ideal choice if looking for an informal, low hedge, as it grows to 75cm tall max. (though it can be easily maintained at 50cm, too).
The summer flowers will surely brighten up your garden and are ideal for welcoming the bees to your garden.
This 30/40cm potted White Potentilla plant is slow growing but can exceed 1.2m tall in good conditions.
The White Potentilla will grow its best in moist soil, and even though rich soil is usually preferred, they can also tolerate poor soil. As they are tough plants, they are suitable to flood, drought, very cold and seaside situations, making it the perfect choice when being faced with exposed garden sites. The Potentilla fruticosa ‰ۡÌÝÌáAbbotswood,‰ۡó» will thrive best in sun as well as partial shade.
- Growth height: Slow (10-20cm per year)
- Ideal height: 1.2m-1.5m Medium
- Soil Type: Normal
- Exposure: Coastal, Exposed, Inland
- Aspect: Semi-shade, Sun
- Evergreen foliage? No
As it is pot grown, you can easily leave the plant in its pot for a few days/weeks before planting it. Just ensure you keep the plant well-watered, and it gets enough sun. Don't leave it for too long, however, as you don't want the roots becoming root bound.
White Potentilla do not need much care or maintenance, except a trim to maintain your desired shape and height. The plant will grow to 1.5m max. but can also be easily maintained as a low-growing hedge (at 1m). Ensure you prune around Autumntime after the flowering period is over, cutting the old branches down to ground level. You must prune at the right time, so you do not risk removing new shoots trying to grow.
To ensure its flowers will thrive best the following year, we also recommend an annual fertiliser or mulch to be trowelled into the soil.

White Flower
White Potentilla̴Ì?is a hardy, deciduous hedge with a long flowering period that boasts delicate, white flowers from the end of Spring through to Autumntime.
- About̴Ì?Pot Grown White Potentilla
- Key Features
- Pruning & Care
The Potentilla fruticosa ‰ۡÌÝÌáAbbotswood,‰ۡó» has five-petalled, saucer-like flowers that sit nicely amongst the green foliage. It is an ideal choice if looking for an informal, low hedge, as it grows to 75cm tall max. (though it can be easily maintained at 50cm, too).
The summer flowers will surely brighten up your garden and are ideal for welcoming the bees to your garden.
This 30/40cm potted White Potentilla plant is slow growing but can exceed 1.2m tall in good conditions.
The White Potentilla will grow its best in moist soil, and even though rich soil is usually preferred, they can also tolerate poor soil. As they are tough plants, they are suitable to flood, drought, very cold and seaside situations, making it the perfect choice when being faced with exposed garden sites. The Potentilla fruticosa ‰ۡÌÝÌáAbbotswood,‰ۡó» will thrive best in sun as well as partial shade.
- Growth height: Slow (10-20cm per year)
- Ideal height: 1.2m-1.5m Medium
- Soil Type: Normal
- Exposure: Coastal, Exposed, Inland
- Aspect: Semi-shade, Sun
- Evergreen foliage? No
As it is pot grown, you can easily leave the plant in its pot for a few days/weeks before planting it. Just ensure you keep the plant well-watered, and it gets enough sun. Don't leave it for too long, however, as you don't want the roots becoming root bound.
White Potentilla do not need much care or maintenance, except a trim to maintain your desired shape and height. The plant will grow to 1.5m max. but can also be easily maintained as a low-growing hedge (at 1m). Ensure you prune around Autumntime after the flowering period is over, cutting the old branches down to ground level. You must prune at the right time, so you do not risk removing new shoots trying to grow.
To ensure its flowers will thrive best the following year, we also recommend an annual fertiliser or mulch to be trowelled into the soil.