When should I plant Japanese Barberry hedging?
You can plant Japanese Barberry at any time of year, providing the soil is not frozen and you are able to water abundantly during dry spells. We do still recommend planting during March/April, or September/October, however.̴Ì?
How far apart do you plant Japanese Barberry plants?
In general, we recommend planting around 3ft away (90cm) from each other, but they can be planted as close as 1ft apart if looking for a dense hedge quickly - especially if the plants are only 40cm̴Ì?or in 1/2L pots when planted.
Just ensure that the plants are at least 3ft away from anything else, like a fence or wall, if you are looking for the hedge to widen out well.
How to plant Japanese Barberry:
Begin by digging the planting hole to be at least two times as wide as the root ball, but the same depth/height. Generally, the wider the hole the better for Barberry, as it needs a fair amount of space to spread out.̴Ì?
If the soil is poor quality, we recommend adding organic matter such as gravel, topsoil, planting mix, or sand (around 1/3 is best). If you are planting into sandy soil, however, adding some compost/peat moss/topsoil is recommended.̴Ì?
Remove the Berberis from its pot and loosen the roots a little, cutting away any dead roots you see whilst doing so.
If planting into well-draining soil, ensure you set your plant so the base of the stem is in line with the surface of the soil. On the other hand, if the soil is not so well-draining, the base of the stem should be around 2" above ground level. You may have to add some soil to the base of the hole to get the correct height.
Backfill with soil, ensuring the plant is kept straight, and pat down to remove any air pockets as you go along. We recommend watering half way through, too. Once you have finished backfilling, ensure you pat down at the base to secure the plant, and thoroughly water.
We then recommend adding around 1-2 inches of mulch (i.e., wood chippings, grass cuttings, or straw), to ensure the soil can reserve as much warmth and moisture as possible.
Continue to water the plant around 2-3 times per week after planting, for the next 1-2 years - this is very important as the roots require a lot of watering when trying to develop and grow, particularly during warmer weather.̴Ì?