Tulip 'Red Riding Hood'
(Tulipa greigii 'Red Riding Hood')

Tulip ‰ۡÌÝÌáRed Riding Hood‰ۡó» flowers boast gorgeous, bright-red flowers, that have black centres, and compliment grey-green, purple-striped leaves. Find out more

Tulip ‰ۡÌÝÌáRed Riding Hood‰ۡó» bulbs can easily be planted in a big patio container and can stay in the ground for a few years after flowering (unlike most tulip varieties which must be lifted and stored until next season).

The tulips can reach an ultimate height and spread of 20cm x 5cm.

Please note that the flowers are harmful if eaten and can cause skin allergies.

From £7.98
This product has a minimum order quantity of 1
Tulip ‰ۡÌÝÌáRed Riding Hood‰ۡó» flowers boast gorgeous, bright-red flowers, that have black centres, and compliment grey-green, purple-striped leaves. Find out more

Tulip ‰ۡÌÝÌáRed Riding Hood‰ۡó» bulbs can easily be planted in a big patio container and can stay in the ground for a few years after flowering (unlike most tulip varieties which must be lifted and stored until next season).

The tulips can reach an ultimate height and spread of 20cm x 5cm.

Please note that the flowers are harmful if eaten and can cause skin allergies.

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