When should I plant Shrubby Honeysuckle hedging?
The best time to plant Lonicera Nitida is any time from November through to late May, as long as the ground is not frozen.
How far apart do you plant Shrubby Honeysuckle plants?
Place the plants around 30cm apart to get the best thickness and density from your plants.
How to plant Shrubby Honeysuckle:
Firstly, prepare the soil by digging up a hole that is about 1.5 times bigger than the plant root's depth and height. Loosen up the earth at the bottom of the hole, to give the roots a bit more space to spread out.
The remove the plant from its container, and place into the hole - ensure it is in the middle and place in a straight position. If in burlap, you can leave this on the plants (all you need to do is untie the top and fold down the edges).
Fill in any gaps with excess soil, and water as you go along. Press down lightly at the base of the plant, to ensure it is secured nicely.
Ensure you water around 2-3 times a week, and continue to do so for the first year after planting, as this helps the plant's roots to establish properly and healthily.