When should I plant Gorse hedging?
The best time to plant Gorse plants is throughout spring or autumn, when the weather is a little cooler and damper. It is possible to plant pot grown plants at any time of year, however, as long as the ground is not frozen and they're provided with enough water.
How far apart do you plant Gorse plants?
It's possible to plant Gorse plants around 50cm apart, at 2 plants per metre, but we recommend at least 3 per metre (planting around 30cm apart), when buying plants as small as 20/40cm tall.̴Ì?
How to plant̴Ì?Gorse:
Gorse hedging is rather simple to plant. All you need to do is begin by preparing the site, by removing any weeds/rocks, and digging up a hole that is double the width of the root ball, but the same depth. Then place your Gorse into the middle of the hole and backfill with the excess soil. Simply finish off by pressing down the soil, gently but firmly, to secure the plant.
Once planted, give it a good watering, and continue to water on a regular basis for the first year after planting - after the first year, however, Gorse will pretty much do well on its own as it's rather tolerant to drought.̴Ì?