Your Gardening Checklist For April

Spring is finally here, and daffodils are popping up everywhere. Watch out for the April showers, but there will hopefully be plenty of sun, too! Now is the perfect time to get your gloves on and start gardening...after all, who doesn't want to spend a bit more time out in the sun?

Top Gardening Jobs

1. Protect fruit blossom

With the late frosts, fruit trees become very vulnerable as they begin to produce new growth. Flowers and buds, in particular, will need protection in order to produce a high crop yield.

2. Tie in any climbing roses

Now is the best time to prune and cut back your climbing roses, to ensure that the plants will grow vigorously and flower well, consistently each year!

3. Keep the weeds under control

With new growth starting up again, weeds will begin to sprout up everywhere. Be sure to keep an eye out for any weeds starting to pop up, and pull them out by their roots before they get too big.

Ensure you keep an eye on the weeds around beds/borders etc. as often as you can, so that you don't ever have too big of a job on your hands!

More Jobs For April

4. Sow herbs, hardy annuals, and wild flower seeds outdoors.

5. Start to feed your citrus plants.

6. Sprinkle lawn seed over any bare patches/near areas.

7. Feed roses/shrubs.

8. Water your indoor plants more often.

9. Divide up bamboos.

10. Prune Hydrangeas- cut back any old stems to healthier shoots.